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News views and events from Leadenhall
On a beautiful sunny May morning at Leadenhall HQ at St Dunstan’s Hill in EC£, our UK coaching team assembled for the inaugural Leadenhall coaches’ conference. The occasion brought an opportunity for our coaching community to come together and engage in exchanging and discussing the latest ideas in coaching and leadership. Topics ranged from Women in Leadership and Cross-Cultural Coaching to Parental Transition and Future Coaching trends.
The conference was opened by our Managing Director, Chris Woodman, who introduced and updated the attendees on recent business activities, new clients and some really special contracts we are undertaking. Inevitably the discussion led to the growth and development of virtual coaching and how we have developed and delivered our on-line coaching via our proprietary platform – Coaching on Demand. The coaching team have become an integral part of enhancing the platform by providing feedback and suggestions for the improvement of the platform based on their experience.
First up, Liz Codd and Georgie Rudd presented and then facilitated an informative discussion around our Women in Leadership program – click here to read more about our unique ‘Accelerating Women into Leadership’ service.
Our client services team Stan Woster and Samia Sharmin, updated the coaches on our customer service, client care and account management process. Stan and Samia are our invaluable link between the coaches and clients and ensure the smooth operation of our coaching assignments and programs.
The morning was completed by a revealing and enthralling presentation from Lesley Hayman on Cross-Cultural Coaching. Lesley has published a research programme on this topic, Cultural Bridges – Exploring Effective Approaches to Coaching Leaders from East Asia (Click for Article)
The subtle nuances she has discovered in coaching conversations from different cultures was fascinating. Leadenhall has a strong presence globally and we have undertaken several cross-cultural coaching assignments – so we are in good hands!
After a lovely lunch and a round of interviews and photos taken by the marketing in team, the afternoon was kicked off with an important talk from Tracey Smart our resident Insights practitioner. As part of our service, we can undertake, review and translate many of the popular psychometric testes and assessments used. We can then either offered the preferred service and/ or adopt and embed and existing assessment provider into our programmes.
Dan Harris then gave a summary of Leadenhall and Coaching on demand’s current sales and marketing activity focussing on the mutual benefits of promoting our coaching community.
Emma Ryan followed Dan by sharing her experience of delivering our Parental Transition programme. Emma was one of the coaching team that developed the programme so it was interesting to hear her views and learnings from the assignment. The conference was closed with an open discussion facilitated by Chris, on current and future trends and new developments. Some fantastic ideas were put forward and some will certainly be developed to add to the Leadenhall experience.
The conference closed, of course with a much-needed drink and bit of long overdue socialising. It was fantastic occasion for the community to come together, underpinning Leadenhall’s strength in the quality and collaboration of its highly rated and diverse coaching team.
Here at Leadenhall it is the quality of our coaches that stands us apart and we are passionate in helping to support and develop our coaching faculty. How do we do this:
We have built a coaching community which meets virtually on Zoom every quarter. These meetings include updates on the business and broader topics which are of interest to the community and our clients.
We also hold free two-hour group supervision sessions on a two monthly basis which are open to all. We tend to have around 12 coaches attend any given session. Our lead supervisor is Frances White. The supervision often includes a theme for learning (our last session was on Polyvagal Theory for example), mindfulness techniques and we break into small groups for work on specific issues from our practices.
We provide developmental workshops and conferences, either in-house or for clients. A good example recently was a free workshop on the Hogan 360 provided by hour Hogan supplier APS which we funded as one of our clients was keen for our coaches to be able to give feedback using that instrument. We have recently held workshops on Team Coaching (Lencioni), DiSC Personality Questionnaire (Wiley) and Insights Discovery.
We offer the Coaching on Demand platform free for any Pro Bono coaching that our coaches wish to undertake.
We collaborate with our coaches on specific specialisms. These have included Team Coaching, Parental Transition Coaching and Women in Leadership in the last six months. We develop programmes, materials and resources for our coaches on these topics. A good example is that we used our Women in Leadership research and material to support our two Japanese coaches on a client’s coaching programme for female executives.
In 2021 through to 2022 we took corporate membership of the Henley Centre for Coaching and have provided free membership for those coaches who were interested in taking up our offer of places.
Please contact us below to find out more about our coaching community.